
At the outset of a divorce, you’re faced with a lot of new information. It can be hard to keep track of it all. These tools will acquaint you with the most significant aspects of negotiating a divorce process.


This manual provides a general overview and a sense of what to expect at the outset of a divorce process.​


These materials can help you and your spouse understand your finances — an essential part of a fair and equitable divorce.


Sharing parenting responsibilities after a divorce can be a delicate balancing act. These resources can help.


We know it’s hard to find accurate information online about divorce, and the articles below are meant to fill that gap. We summarize key points of divorce law and practice for you, on a range of topics, so you can feel as informed and clear as possible as you navigate your divorce.

Tax Debt in New York Divorce

There are three types of tax debt that may be addressed in a divorce: tax debt that was paid off during the marriage, tax debt existing at the time of divorce, and tax debt that may exist in the future.

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The first step in determining how to divide property in a divorce is to figure out what property will be divided in the first place.

Child support is the financial support parents are required to provide for their children. Contrary to popular belief, child support is the responsibility of both parents.

If you have children under 18, you'll need to speak to "custody" in your divorce agreement—specifically, "legal custody" and "physical custody."

Part of the mediator's role is to help you communicate the most effective way possible, with a focus on the future. 

Anyone at the outset of a time- and resource-intensive process like divorce wants to know how long the process will take. It seems like a straightforward enough question. So why is it so hard to get an answer?


The Divorce Field Guide is an informational podcast for listeners who are considering, at the outset of, or in the midst of a divorce. We break the topic of divorce down into bite-sized pieces, with the goal of making your divorce process feel more manageable and clear as you go through it.

Founded in 2014, Mason Law & Mediation provides highly-skilled and holistic mediation, Collaborative Law, settlement negotiation, and legal coaching services to individuals, couples and families in New York.